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Check Out our Halloween
Costume Leather Jackets!
Welcome to Our Costume theme Jackets Department
we are getting ready for Halloween, are you ready?
Here ae some of the theme leather jackets and leather coats that
are related to some famous Charachters from movies, Comic Book Heroes and TV Series that wear leather. Most of these we make
her at he Factory in National City, others we have imported versions
if you are a local, come and check us out! We are open to the public.
Wolverine Movie Leather Theme Jacket

Our Thriller Jacket

Our Version of the Woverine movie Theme leather jacket

USA Made Leather Jacket,
We can customize it for you!

Thriller Leather Theme Jacket
Ghost Rider Movie Leather Theme Jacket

Our C100 Biker Jacket

Our Version of the Ghost Rider movie Theme leather jacket

Imported Leather Jacket
Great Deal!

Our T3 Trench Coat

Our Version of the Morpheus from the Matrix movie Theme leather jacket

USA Made Leather Jacket,
We can customize it for you!

Ghost Rider Movie Leather Theme Jacket
Celine from the Movie Underworld wearing a long leather trench coat

Our 71X Ladies Trench Coat

Our Version of the Underworld Trench from the Matrix movie Theme leather jacket

USA Made Leather Jacket,
We can customize it for you!

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